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Doc Club

Friday, Feb 24th - Friday, Feb 24th
Starts: 10:00 AM | Ends: 11:30 AM
One Time Event

Participants watch the documentaries online in advance and then join the discussion on Zoom. If you would like to be added to the Zoom meeting, please email

Friday February 24: The Black Cop

Director: Emma Cooper  | 2022  |  Runs: 24.33

YouTube Link:

In this film, Gamal 'G' Turawa, a former UK Metropolitan police officer, explores his memories of racially profiling and harassing black people and homophobia in his early career.

Now an openly gay man, Turawa’s story is a multi-layered one and sits in the centre of three pivotal moments in recent British history, from the black communities’ resistance of oppressive policing, to the push for LGBTQIA equality. Winner British Short Film at the 75th British Academy Film Awards.